Friday 4 June 2010

On The Phone (special requested lesson, with added sound file)

もしのし。関口さんのおたくですか。= Moshi-moshi. Sekiguchi-san no otaku desu ka. = Hello, is that the Sekiguchi residence?

はい,関口ですが。 = Hai. Sekiguchi desu ga. = This is Mr Sekiguchi. 
どちらさまですか。 = Dochirasama desu ka. = Who's calling please?

田中さん おねがいします。= Tanaka-san onegaishimasu. = May I speak to Mr Tanaka please?

しょうしょうおまちください。= Shoushou omachi kudasai. = Just a moment, please.

田中さんおでんわですよ。 = Tanaka-san odenwa desu yo. = Mr Tanaka, there's a phone call for you.

ちょっとでてください。= Chotto dete kudasai. = Will you answer the phone, please.

十時にもういちどおでんわください。= Juuji ni mou ichido odenwa kudasai. = Please phone me again at 10.

あとでまたおでんわします。= Ato de mata odenwa shimasu. = I'll call back later.

ごめんください。= Gomen kudasai. = Goodbye.

ちがいます。= Chigaimasu. = You have the wrong number.

Moshi moshi is the conventional beginning of a telephone conversation. It may also be repeated during the phone call to confirm whether the person you are talking to is still on the line. Even though it is translated as 'Hello' it is more like saying "I say!"

A Short Dialog

関口さん: もしもし、山田さんのおたくですか。
山田さん: はい、そうです。
関口さん: 関口で すが、ごしゅじんはいらっしゃいますか。
山田さん: いまいません。九時ごろかえります。
関口さん: そうで すか。でわまたあとででんわをします。
山田さん: はい、おねがいします。
関口さん: しつれいします。
山田さん: さよう なら。
Sekiguchi-san: Moshi moshi. Yamada-san no o-taku desu ka.
Yamada-san: Hai, sou desu.
Sekiguchi-san: Sekiguchi desu ga, go-shujin wa irasshaimasu ka.
Yamada-san: Ima imasen. Kuji goro kaerimasu.
Sekiguchi-san: Sou desu ka. Dewa mata ato de denwa o shimasu.
Yamada-san: Hai, onegaishimasu.
Sekiguchi-san: Shitsurei shimasu.
Yamada-san: Sayounara.

Mr. Sekiguchi: Hello. Is that Mr. Yamada's residence?
Mrs Yamada: Yes, it is.
Mr. Sekiguchi: This is Sekiguchi. Is your husband there?
Mrs Yamada: He's not here now. He'll be back about 9:00.
Mr. Sekiguchi: I see. Then I'll call again later.
Mrs Yamada: Yes. Please do.
Mr. Sekiguchi: Goodbye.
Mrs Yamada: Goodbye.

Onegaishimasu is a very convenient phrase, used when making a request. It literally means "I beg you," The reply to onegaishimasu is often Hai, wakarimashita. "I see. / Certainly."

電 話をします。= Denwa o shimasu. = Make a Phone call.

おたく。= O-taku = means "your house" or as in the above "Mr. Yamada's residence" It is very polite. Taku, alone is rarely used. Uchi (うち / 家) 'house' is more common. Example: Are wa dare no uchi desu ka. (あれはだれのうちですか) "Whose house is that?"

わたしは田中さんに電話をします。= Watashi wa Tanaka-san ni denwa o shimasu. = I will telephone Mr. Tanaka.

わたしは田中さんに電話をしました。= Watashi wa Tanaka-san ni denwa o shimashita. = I called (telephoned) Mr. Tanaka.

Suru means to do something. and it's '-masu' form is 'Shimasu' and is present and future positive. The negative is 'shimasen' (Watashi wa Tanaka-san ni denwa o shimasen) "I will not call Mr. Tanaka"
The past positive is 'shimashita' while the past negative form is 'shimasendeshita' (Watashi wa Tanaka-san ni denwa o shimasendeshita) "I did not call Mr. Tanaka"

Of course you may have to ask someone for their phone number.

A Short Dialog

田 中さん: あなたのでんわばんごうはなんばんですか。
関口さん: わたしのでんわばんごうはゼロ三の三四ゼロゼロの九ゼロ三一です。
Tanaka-san: Anata no denwa bangou wa nan-ban desu ka.
Sekiguchi-san: Watashi no denwa bangou wa zero-san no san-yon-zero-zero no kyuu-zero-san-ichi desu.

Mr. Tanaka: What is your phone number?
Mr.Sekiguchi: My phone number is (03) 3400-9031

電話 = でんわ = Denwa. = Telephone.

電話番号 = でんわばんごう = Denwa bangou. = Phone number.

何番 = なんばん = Nanban. = What Number.

ゼロ = Zero. In telephone numbers 0 is often pronounced as zero. (03) is quite simply the code for Tokyo 東京 - とうきょう

Sound File (Please excuse me...I had a cold)
Press play and the scoll up and follow from the top.

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