Tuesday 22 June 2010


Following from the last lesson, I thought it would be a good idea to look at 'Ko-So-A-Do.' In other words; 'Ko-words, So.words, A-words and Do-words.'

こちら - Kochira - Here, This way.
そちら - Sochira - There, That way.
あちら - Achira - Over there.
どちら - Dochira - Where.

こちら - Kochira - This person.
そちら - Sochira - That person.
あちら - Achira - That person over there.
どなた / だれ - Donata / Dare - Who?

これ - Kore - This.
それ - Sore - That.
あれ - Are - That over there.
どれ - Dore - Which?

ここ - Koko - Here.
そこ - Soko - There.
あそこ - Asoko - Over there.
どこ - Doko - Where?

このカメラ - Kono kamera - This camera.
そのカメラ - Sono kamera - That camera.
あのカメラ - Ano kamera - That camera over there.
どのカメラ - Dono kamera - Which camera?

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